My closest family

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Although I am born in Australia, I have relatives in many countries. This page lists my closest family:

Mummy: Kate Molinari. Mummy is a doctor but is taking this year off work to look after me.

Daddy: Bjørn Arne Berge. Daddy works for a company called Accenture and is doing something with computers and security (I am not sure exactly what he is doing and neither is mummy - something secret I think...)

Granny (mummy's mum): Kerry Molinari. She is a teacher in Canberra, Australia, at St. Francis Xaviar

Grandad (mummy's dad): Brian Molinari. He works at the ANU in Canberra in a new job I am not sure about, he used to be a lecturer at the Computer Science department.

Farmor (dad's mum): Torunn Berge. She is a teacher in Rena, Norway, working at Aamot Ungdomsskole

Farfar (dad's dad): Rolf Berge. He is a teacher, too. He is also working at Aamot Ungdomsskole

Uncle Tor Erik (dad's brother): Tor Erik Berge. He is also a teacher living and working in Elverum, Norway together with:

Tante Hilde (dad's sister-in-law): Hilde Weseth Berge. She is also a teacher in Elverum, Norway.

Uncle Rory (mum's brother): Rory Molinari. He lives and works in Silicon Valley, CA, USA (for a company called Perfect)

Uncle James (mum's brother): James Molinari. He attends uni at ANU in Canberra and still lives at home with Granny and Grandad

Mormor (dad's grandmother/farmor's mother): Agnes Tollefsen. She lives in Rena in Norway

Gran (mum's grandmother/grandad's mother): Lil Molinari. She lives in Bunbury, Western Australia.

Nona (mum's grandmother/granny's mother): Sheila O'Hare. She lives in Quairading, Western Australia.